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Burmese people use dog gak as an antidote to alcohol. People who drink alcohol and have hangovers eat dog gecko leaves with chicken bones to cure them. They cook and drink.
A lot of people Sedentary people Those who suffer from back pain can also drink a soup made from the leaves of the dog gecko instead of bitter medicine. frequent urination; Highway drivers often use it as medicine.
Medicinal use

1. raw wound If hematuria occurs, if the leaves of dogwood are roasted and applied to the fire, tender sores can become thin, and mature sores can ooze.

2. Asthma If you have urinary incontinence, eat the fried leaves It can be cured by eating foam.
3. If you have a boil, you can heal it by squeezing the juice of the leaves and applying it.

4. seasonal fever To protect against flu fever, stir-fry fennel leaves mixed with duck eggs. Stay strong and protect from fever.

5. heat pain If the tumor is large, it can be relieved by crushing the leaves of the dog’s bark and giving it to the hive.
6. If you have knee pain, you can reduce the pain by roasting dogwood leaves and putting a bandage on it.
7. alcohol, For those who drink palm juice to break alcohol, they should cook and eat dog gecko leaves with chicken.
8. If the Goggak River is poisoned, it is often used as an emetic. rabies medicine It is also used in phlegm suppressants.

9. People with prostatitis can be relieved by eating dogwood leaves daily or twice a week.
Kyi Lwin Myint (Mudra)