Medicinal properties of the chicken curry plant….

Let’s learn about the medicinal properties of the chicken curry plant.
Effect ~
The leaves are cold and have a sweet taste.
He straightened the path of the wind and made the fire of his heart shine.
Worm ear He can overcome the pain of poison.
Especially suitable for liver diseases.

Usage ~
Chicken vegetable soup
good, eating fried food It is used as a foam and in dishes.
drinking blood from chicken broth;

By drinking boiled water, it lowers blood pressure.
Relieves heart palpitations and palpitations.
If you are bitten by a poisonous insect, you can apply the blood of the root of the chicken.
If you apply the root of chicken curry with rice syrup and blood, it will cure the diseases of tightness and swelling, sores. Drink curry leaves of chicken curry.
Also, by boiling and drinking the remaining third, it relieves fever. It reduces fever. One-third of five-fifths of chicken curry
By boiling and drinking the rest of the liver disease
Can also be eaten as a chicken vegetable soup.
The chemicals included ~
Chemical substances contained in plants and used as medicine
The ability to do this was tested in a laboratory
It contains the following active ingredients which are very powerful.
Experimental research on chicken curry ~
1. Urinary tract stone test
The most common form of urinary tract stones is calcium
Oxidation of calculi in the urinary tract
Instead, there may be different stone formations. The formation of solid stones in the urine is due to the formation of various salts
There are calcium oxalate stones in the bladder with chicken curry
5 mg of chicken curry extract for 30 days
Big stones and small stones were fed
It was tested in Brazil in 2006.
Medicinal plant use of the herb
1. Dissolving kidney stones and gallstones;
Expels stones
2. Helping kidney function;
Protect the kidneys from being toxic
Improving the ability to balance the fluids in the body
Strengthening (supports kidneys)
3. In addition to making urine happy, it can reduce uric acid
It goes further.
4. Pain relief
5. Protects the liver from being toxic
Hardness, balance of fluids, good quality (liver energy
Balancing Zine Biocatalysts
6. Liver detoxification
7. Reduces stiffness and seizures
8. Reduces inflammation
9. Viruses such as hepatitis A, B, C, herpes
Disease and immunodeficiency. Killing viruses
10. Digestion
11. Lowering blood sugar
12. Lowering blood pressure, lowering blood cholesterol
13. Killing bacteria.
Research-proven applications
1. Pain relief
2. Anti-bacterial
3. Anti liver toxicity
4. Anti-inflammatory
5. Against kidney stones
6. Prevention of carnivore fever
7. Protecting liver cells
8. Anti-infection
9. To urinate
10. Strength medicine, liver medicine, digestive medicine, liver protection
Strengthening, lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol
The uses of chicken curry around the world are as follows.
1. Japanese-chicken curry base, if you boil and drink the five ingredients, general
It is considered to be good for health. Liver disease with yogurt juice
Mix and drink as green tea for indigestion, flatulence, and stomach ailments
Drinking. Juice of green leaves mixed with castor oil. Eyes
It is smeared around the eyes for disease
2. France: If you drink the boiled leaves, it will make bile, strengthen the liver
Used as a tonic.
3. India – green leaf juice for urinary diseases, diabetes
Use dried leaves as green tea for high blood pressure
And drinking.
4.Philippines: After giving birth, the skin is bathed in an infusion of the leaves
It is believed to kill the microbes on the plate.
5. Thailand: anti-fever medicine, diuretic medicine, anti-allergic fever medicine, general disease prevention
It is used as medicine.
6. West India – Appetite, Diabetes, Urinary Disease
It is used as a medicine for gonorrhea and gonorrhoea
used to