How to call money with cloves…

How to call money with cloves 💚
Luna also asked to share some ways to make money these days
It’s been a long time since I posted, which is one of the ways to call money
I’m sharing a little way to call money using cloves….
This method is very simple and easy to do….

Clove (clove) from the grocery store in the neighborhood. You can easily buy it in grocery stores, and you can also buy it in pharmacies…
Because you can also buy it at Ocean/City Mart
I am writing this way…
The way is…
💚 People who want good deals / people selling
If the items are not sold, please place the cloves among the items…..
(The number of flowers is not specified)
Do it once a week…
Unexpectedly, sales will be brisk…
💕 For those doing online transactions, carry 5 cloves in your bag…
Every morning, tap the phone with your bag and pray whatever you want…
Trading and financial kickbacks will open…
💸 If you think that bribery is closed in your real estate shop, sprinkle it all over the place with an infusion of cloves….
Use the infusion only….
You can do it once a month.
💕 If you want to get money, put 3 cloves in your wallet…
⚜ If you think it’s smelly, wash your head with clove infusion…. For those who don’t like the scent, then wash it again with water…..
Sang is also very important….
📌 It’s an easy way to do it, everyone should try it….🤗
📌 You can do this method from the date and time of your choice….