A fisherman from Indonesia who is friends with a giant crocodile over 13 feet….

A fisherman from Indonesia who is friends with a giant crocodile over 13 feet….


An Indonesian fisherman says he has been friends with a 13-foot-long saltwater crocodile for more than 20 years. East Kalimantan Province Ambo, a 59-year-old from Bunton, is known in his country as a movie star for having an unusual relationship with a giant lizard called Ricka.
Ambo first met Ricka 26 years ago when he was out fishing in a boat. At that time, Rika, who was still only 3 feet tall, followed Ambo to his house after making eye contact with him. Ambo noticed this and threw some food to Ricka. That’s how Ambo and Ricka started getting close.
As the years go by, when Rika sees Ambo, she appears by his boat and dives back into the water without being beaten. Also, whenever he was hungry, he would go to Mbo’s house and ask for food. Ambo also said that he would be very happy if he could feed Rika.
When Ambo went to Samarinda, the capital of the state, on business for almost 2 years, he asked the local fishermen to take care of Ricka for him. Fishermen also threw food whenever they saw Rick. In this way, Ricka became like a family member of that town, and the residents saw Ricka as someone who protected and cared for them.
Ambo said that he loves Rika like a daughter, but he is too big to sit next to her until now. However, since they are friends, they said that they don’t have to risk their lives to touch and touch.
Source: OddityCentral
