The real cause of poverty…

The real cause of poverty…
“Some people are always poor..
Some people are always rich
Why “”

Once upon a time there was a very poor man…
When a very rich man saw him, he took pity on him and wanted to help him grow…
The rich man gave him a cow as a gift…he made sure to plow the farm…
He said that if the seeds are sown now and plowed well, by the end of this year, the word ‘poor’ will be far away…
This poor man was full of hope at the beginning and actively sought…
But it didn’t take long… the cow ate the grass… the man ate…
Life is even more difficult than before…
The poor man thought again…it would be better if he sold the cow and bought some goats…
I will kill one first and keep raising the rest… When the goats are born, when they grow up, they can be sold again… This can make quite a profit…
The poor guy’s plan was successful… he killed a goat…
Later, the goat was unable to give birth and couldn’t bear it, so it killed another goat…
He thought again… This is not going to happen anymore… It would be better to sell the goat and buy chickens… Chickens lay eggs faster… I can get income from eggs immediately… Then I will be a little more relaxed…
He went to the quorum again as planned… But there was no change in his life… It became difficult again… Finally, he couldn’t stand it and killed one again… So when he was left with only one chicken, he became quite depressed…
He thought again… It’s no longer possible to grow… It’s fine to sell chicken and buy alcohol… If alcohol enters your stomach… It won’t interfere with your thoughts anymore…
At the end of the year, the rich man who helped him came back to him…
When I saw him again, I saw a drunken man…
The cow has been gone for a long time… the house is in tatters…
When the boss saw the scene in front of him, he sighed and turned away without saying a word…
The poor is always poor…
Most of the poor people had a dream… they had an opportunity… they tried hard… but it became difficult to keep dreaming…
A businessman once shared his success secret…
“No matter how hard it is when you don’t have money, don’t let the money you invest and save… Stress can give you new ways to make money… It can push you to pay off debt… It’s a good habit…”
Character makes a habit…
That behavior determines success…
The main difference between a successful person and a failed person is…
A successful person sets a goal and marches boldly forward…if he finds difficulty, he changes his method and tries again
A loser is one who, after setting a goal, changes the goal as soon as he finds difficulty…changes the path…the plan does not keep up with the changes…this is the true cause of poverty.